DigitalOcean Services Status

All Systems Operational

API Operational
Billing Operational
Cloud Control Panel Operational
Cloud Firewall Operational
Community Operational
DNS Operational
Support Center Operational
Reserved IP Operational
WWW Operational
GenAI Platform Operational
App Platform Operational
Global Operational
Amsterdam Operational
Bangalore Operational
Frankfurt Operational
London Operational
New York Operational
San Francisco Operational
Singapore Operational
Sydney Operational
Toronto Operational
Container Registry Operational
Global Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
Droplets Operational
Global Operational
AMS2 Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC2 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO1 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Event Processing Operational
Global Operational
AMS2 Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC2 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO1 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Functions Operational
Global Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
GPU Droplets Operational
Global Operational
NYC2 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Managed Databases Operational
Global Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC2 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Monitoring Operational
Global Operational
AMS2 Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC2 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SFO1 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Networking Operational
Global Operational
AMS2 Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC2 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO1 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Kubernetes Operational
Global Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Load Balancers Operational
Global Operational
AMS2 Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC2 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO1 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Spaces Operational
Global Operational
AMS3 Operational
FRA1 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
BLR1 Operational
Spaces CDN Operational
Global Operational
AMS3 Operational
FRA1 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
VPC Operational
Global Operational
AMS2 Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC2 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO1 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Volumes Operational
Global Operational
AMS2 Operational
AMS3 Operational
BLR1 Operational
FRA1 Operational
LON1 Operational
NYC1 Operational
NYC2 Operational
NYC3 Operational
SFO1 Operational
SFO2 Operational
SFO3 Operational
SGP1 Operational
SYD1 Operational
TOR1 Operational
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage

Scheduled Maintenance

LON1 Network Maintenance Apr 8, 2025 20:00-23:00 UTC

Start: 2025-04-08 20:00 UTC
End: 2025-04-08 23:00 UTC

During the above window, our Networking team will be making changes to the core networking infrastructure to improve performance and scalability in the LON1 region.

Expected impact:

During the maintenance window, users may experience delays or failures with event processing for a brief duration on Droplets and Droplet-based services, including Droplets, Managed Kubernetes, Load Balancers, Container Registry, and App Platform. We will endeavor to keep this to a minimum for the duration of the change.

If you have any questions related to this issue, please send us a ticket from your cloud support page.

Posted on Mar 30, 2025 - 20:29 UTC
Mar 31, 2025
Resolved - From 00:13 UTC to 9:09 UTC, users may have experienced errors when attempting to create Managed Database Caching Clusters.

Our Engineering team has confirmed the full resolution of the issue. Users should now be able to create Caching clusters normally.

If you continue to experience issues, please open a support ticket from your Cloud Control Panel.

Mar 31, 09:30 UTC
Monitoring - Our Engineering team has implemented a fix to resolve the issues impacting the creation of Managed Database Clusters.

Users should no longer see any errors while creating a Caching Database Cluster.

We are actively monitoring the situation and will post an update as soon as the issue is fully resolved.

Mar 31, 07:58 UTC
Identified - Our Engineering team has identified the root cause of the issue affecting the creation of Managed Database Clusters and is actively working on a fix.

Users who already have a Caching Database Cluster in their account should be able to create a new Cluster. During this time, users without an existing caching cluster in their account may still see an error while creating a new cluster.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide another update as soon as possible.

Mar 31, 05:41 UTC
Investigating - As of 00:13 UTC, our Engineering team is investigating an issue with creating Managed Database clusters.

During this time, users may face issues creating caching clusters.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will share an update once we have more information.

Mar 31, 04:09 UTC
Mar 30, 2025

No incidents reported.

Mar 29, 2025
Resolved - From 23:31 to 23:46 UTC, users may have experienced errors when trying to use the API or while accessing our Cloud Control Panel at CRUD operations for all products would have been unavailable, but deployed services continue running without issue.

Our Engineering team has implemented a fix and confirmed full resolution of the issue. Users should be able to access the API and Cloud Control Panel without issue now.

If you continue to experience problems, please open a ticket with our support team. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Mar 29, 00:01 UTC
Mar 28, 2025

No incidents reported.

Mar 27, 2025
Resolved - Beginning at 17:56 UTC, users experienced issues with the using the Cloud Control Panel and the API. By 18:10 UTC, we started seeing signs of recovery and users would've been able to access the Cloud Control and API normally.

We noticed a brief recurrence of the issue at 18:58 UTC in which users would've experienced latency, with recovery starting at around 19:02 UTC.

At 19:02 UTC, our Engineering team has confirmed full resolution of the issue, the Cloud Control Panel and the API should be functioning normally now.

If you continue to experience problems, please open a ticket with our support team. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Mar 27, 20:48 UTC
Monitoring - Our Engineering team has implemented a fix regarding the issue impacting our Cloud Control Panel and API. We are monitoring the situation to ensure there is no recurrence.

We will post another update once we confirm the issue is fully resolved.

Mar 27, 19:34 UTC
Update - Our Engineering team observed a recurrence of this issue from 18:58 to 19:02 UTC. During that time, API requests and navigating the Cloud Control Panel would have failed/experienced latency. As of 19:02 UTC, users should be able to access services normally, but until our team has confirmed a full resolution, there may be periods of instability.

Our team is looking into this issue further and we will share an update as soon as we have more information.

Mar 27, 19:11 UTC
Identified - As of 18:10 UTC, our Engineering team has identified the cause of the issue impacting our Cloud Control Panel and API to be a backend deployment and has rolled back the breaking change. We are already seeing signs of recovery, and users should now have access to the Cloud Control Panel and API.

We will post an update as soon as additional information is available.

Mar 27, 18:27 UTC
Investigating - As of 17:56 UTC, our Engineering team is investigating an issue impacting our Cloud Control Panel and API.

During this time, users will experience errors when trying to use the public API at or while accessing our Cloud Control Panel at

We are now confirming the full impact. We regret any inconvenience and will let you know as soon as more information is available.

Mar 27, 18:07 UTC
Resolved - Our Engineering team has confirmed the full resolution of the issue affecting database engine metrics in the Cloud Control Panel for Managed Databases.

Users with PostgreSQL, MySQL, Kafka, OpenSearch, or Caching database clusters should now be able to see the metrics.

Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience. If you continue to experience any issues, please open a Support ticket right away.

Mar 27, 16:31 UTC
Monitoring - Our Engineering team continues to monitor the issue affecting Database Engine metrics in the Cloud Control Panel for Managed Databases. The impact is mitigated and we are rolling out the update gradually during scheduled maintenance windows to avoid disruptions.

We will post another update once we confirm the full resolution. We apologize for the inconvenience and will share an update once we have more information.

Mar 27, 05:44 UTC
Identified - Our Engineering team has identified and is currently repairing an issue affecting database engine metrics in the Cloud Control Panel for Managed Databases.

Users with PostgreSQL, MySQL, Kafka, OpenSearch, or Caching database clusters may be unable to see metrics. Mongo database clusters are not impacted. Additionally, storage metrics and alerts are not impacted and continue to function normally.

While we are working to correct this issue as quickly as possible, we anticipate that a resolution will take multiple days. We will post an update once we have a more definite ETA or additional information becomes available.

We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Support team from within your account.

Mar 26, 22:24 UTC
Mar 26, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Resolved - Our Engineering team has confirmed the full resolution of the issue with the Billing page for Teams on the Cloud Control Panel. Services should now be operating normally.

Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience. If you continue to experience any issues, please open a Support ticket right away.

Mar 25, 07:30 UTC
Monitoring - Our Engineering team has now mitigated the issue that affected the Billing page for Teams on the Cloud Control Panel and is currently been monitored. Users should no longer see errors when attempting to access or perform actions within the Cloud Control Panel.

We will continue to monitor this at our end and will share an update once the problem is resolved completely.

Mar 25, 07:01 UTC
Identified - Our Engineering team has Identified the cause of the issue with Billing page on the Control Panel and is actively working on a fix. We will post an update as soon as the issue is fully resolved.
Mar 25, 06:32 UTC
Investigating - Our Engineering team is investigating an issue with the Billing page for Teams on the Cloud Control Panel. During this time, users may receive error messages when attempting to access or perform actions within the Cloud Control Panel. We apologize for the inconvenience and will share an update once we have more information.
Mar 25, 06:06 UTC
Resolved - Our Engineering team has confirmed the full resolution of the issue with Cloud Control Panel.

Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience. If you continue to experience any issues, please open a Support ticket right away.

Mar 25, 00:45 UTC
Monitoring - Our Engineering team is currently monitoring the issue which affected Cloud Control Panel logins and registrations for a brief window of time between 20:55 and 22:15 UTC.

Users should no longer see errors while trying to login Cloud Control Panel. New users should now be able to register in the Cloud Control Panel as normal.

We will continue to monitor this at our end and will share an update once the problem is resolved completely.

Mar 25, 00:14 UTC
Update - Our Engineering team continues to investigate the root cause of the issue with our Cloud Control Panel, but has confirmed error rates are dropping. Most users should now be seeing recovery and be able to login and navigate the site. New users should be able to register.

If you continue to see errors, please reach out to us via

Mar 24, 22:23 UTC
Update - Our Engineering team is continuing to investigate the issue with our Cloud Control Panel. At this time, users may experience errors while attempting to navigate any pages under, which includes both login and registration attempts. If you need to contact our support team and are unable to do so from within your account, you can still reach us via
Mar 24, 21:39 UTC
Investigating - Our Engineering team is investigating an issue with our Cloud Control Panel. During this time, users may experience errors reaching, issues while signing in there, as well as issues navigating the Cloud Control Panel.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will share an update once we have more information.

Mar 24, 21:23 UTC
Mar 24, 2025
Mar 23, 2025

No incidents reported.

Mar 22, 2025

No incidents reported.

Mar 21, 2025

No incidents reported.

Mar 20, 2025

No incidents reported.

Mar 19, 2025

No incidents reported.

Mar 18, 2025
Completed - The scheduled maintenance for our core networking infrastructure in the LON1 region, originally planned for March 18, 2025, from 20:00 UTC to 23:00 UTC, has been cancelled. No further changes will be made at this time, and all services are currently operating as expected.

During the scheduled window, we encountered an issue that caused a brief impact on services. As a result, we decided to roll back the maintenance to prevent further disruption. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

We will provide an update once a new date for the maintenance has been confirmed. If you have any questions or experience any ongoing issues, please reach out to our support team via Cloud Support.

Thank you for your understanding.

Mar 18, 22:44 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Mar 18, 20:00 UTC
Scheduled - Start: 2025-03-18 20:00 UTC
End: 2025-03-18 23:00 UTC

During the above window, our Networking team will be making changes to the core networking infrastructure to improve performance and scalability in the LON1 region.

Expected impact:

During the maintenance window, users may experience delays or failures with event processing for a brief duration on Droplets and Droplet-based services, including Droplets, Managed Kubernetes, Load Balancers, Container Registry, and App Platform. We will endeavor to keep this to a minimum for the duration of the change.

If you have any questions related to this issue, please send us a ticket from your cloud support page.

Mar 15, 20:16 UTC
Mar 17, 2025
Resolved - From 14:23 UTC to 16:16 UTC, users were unable to complete the signups for new accounts. Our Engineering team has resolved the issue affecting new account sign-ups. Users should no longer experience errors and are now able to complete the sign-up process successfully.

If you continue to experience problems, please open a ticket with our support team. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Mar 17, 17:50 UTC
Monitoring - Our Engineering team has implemented a fix to resolve the issue impacting new account signups and monitoring the situation. At this time, new signups should be functioning as expected. We will post an update as soon as the issue is fully resolved.
Mar 17, 16:46 UTC
Investigating - Our Engineering team is investigating an issue with new customer signups. During this time, some new customers are unable to finish the signup process.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide an update as soon as possible.

Mar 17, 16:22 UTC