Resolved -
Beginning at 17:56 UTC, users experienced issues with the using the Cloud Control Panel and the API. By 18:10 UTC, we started seeing signs of recovery and users would've been able to access the Cloud Control and API normally.
We noticed a brief recurrence of the issue at 18:58 UTC in which users would've experienced latency, with recovery starting at around 19:02 UTC.
At 19:02 UTC, our Engineering team has confirmed full resolution of the issue, the Cloud Control Panel and the API should be functioning normally now.
If you continue to experience problems, please open a ticket with our support team. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Mar 27, 20:48 UTC
Monitoring -
Our Engineering team has implemented a fix regarding the issue impacting our Cloud Control Panel and API. We are monitoring the situation to ensure there is no recurrence.
We will post another update once we confirm the issue is fully resolved.
Mar 27, 19:34 UTC
Update -
Our Engineering team observed a recurrence of this issue from 18:58 to 19:02 UTC. During that time, API requests and navigating the Cloud Control Panel would have failed/experienced latency. As of 19:02 UTC, users should be able to access services normally, but until our team has confirmed a full resolution, there may be periods of instability.
Our team is looking into this issue further and we will share an update as soon as we have more information.
Mar 27, 19:11 UTC
Identified -
As of 18:10 UTC, our Engineering team has identified the cause of the issue impacting our Cloud Control Panel and API to be a backend deployment and has rolled back the breaking change. We are already seeing signs of recovery, and users should now have access to the Cloud Control Panel and API.
We will post an update as soon as additional information is available.
Mar 27, 18:27 UTC
Investigating -
As of 17:56 UTC, our Engineering team is investigating an issue impacting our Cloud Control Panel and API.
During this time, users will experience errors when trying to use the public API at or while accessing our Cloud Control Panel at
We are now confirming the full impact. We regret any inconvenience and will let you know as soon as more information is available.
Mar 27, 18:07 UTC