DigitalOcean Services Status

Droplet, Managed Database and Managed Kubernetes creation failure in BLR region

Incident Report for DigitalOcean


Our Engineering team has confirmed the full resolution of the issue affecting Droplet, Managed Kubernetes, and Managed Database creation in the BLR region. All our services in the region should now be functioning normally.

Users should no longer experience any issues with Droplet creation, event processing, and the creation and provisioning of Managed Kubernetes and Managed Database clusters.

If you continue to experience problems, please open a ticket with our support team from within your Cloud Control Panel. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Posted Feb 03, 2025 - 10:00 UTC


Our Engineering team has deployed a fix for the issue affecting Droplet, Managed Kubernetes, and Managed Database creation in the BLR region. As of 6:00 AM UTC, the issue has been fully mitigated, and users should no longer experience any disruptions.

Droplet creation, event processing, and the creation and provisioning of Managed Kubernetes and Managed Database clusters should now function as expected.

We are actively monitoring the situation and will provide an update once we confirm the incident is completely resolved.
Posted Feb 03, 2025 - 06:06 UTC


As of 5:40 AM UTC, our Engineering team has identified the cause of the issue affecting Droplet, Managed Kubernetes, and Managed Database creation in the BLR region and is actively implementing a fix.

Users should begin to see improvements in Droplet creation and event processing. Additionally, the successful creation and provisioning of Managed Kubernetes and Managed Database clusters should also resume shortly.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide further updates as more information becomes available.
Posted Feb 03, 2025 - 05:49 UTC


As of 3:16 AM UTC, our Engineering team is investigating an issue affecting Droplet, Managed Kubernetes, and Managed Database creation in the BLR region.

Users may also experience delays or issues with event processing related to Droplets in the BLR region. Additionally, users may see errors with Managed Kubernetes and Managed Databases cluster creation and provisioning.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide an update as soon as more information becomes available.
Posted Feb 03, 2025 - 04:28 UTC
This incident affected: Kubernetes (BLR1), Managed Databases (BLR1), Droplets (BLR1), and Event Processing (BLR1).