DigitalOcean Services Status

Core Infrastructure Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance Report for DigitalOcean
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Feb 06, 2024 - 22:21 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Feb 06, 2024 - 17:00 UTC
Start Time: 17:00 UTC Feb 6, 2024
End Time: 00:00 UTC Feb 7, 2024

During the above time, our Engineering Team will be performing maintenance to failover some internal databases from one cluster to another.

Extensive testing has been conducted to ensure this maintenance will be successful and result in minimal impact to DigitalOcean users. The actual failover is estimated to take less than 3 seconds.

Existing infrastructure, including Droplets and Droplet-based services, should continue running without issue. There is no network disruption to existing services expected as part of this maintenance. However, there are dependencies on multiple services. During the failover, there may be customer impacts that should be brief and transitory. The following actions may experience increased latency or failure rates during the maintenance period:

- API calls to the DigitalOcean public API
- Events for Droplets and Droplet-based services such as create, delete, power on/off, resize, etc
- Control operations through the DigitalOcean Cloud Control Panel

Multiple teams will be engaged to keep downtime to a minimum and mitigate any impact that does occur. We’ll post updates here for any unexpected changes to this scheduled maintenance, as well as progress updates during the maintenance itself.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Support team from within your account.
Posted Feb 02, 2024 - 20:23 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: API, Cloud Control Panel and Event Processing (Global).