DigitalOcean Services Status

SFO2 Power Feed Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance Report for DigitalOcean
Our datacenter provider has informed us that they are not able to perform this maintenance during the communicated window and will be rescheduling it for a later date. We apologize for any confusion from the previous update, but this maintenance did not begin and there was no impact to any services. We will notify you via email and a new maintenance post on with the updated date and timings for this maintenance.

If you have any questions or continue to experience issues, please reach out via a Support ticket on your account.
Posted Jun 07, 2024 - 19:11 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jun 07, 2024 - 11:00 UTC
Start: 2024-06-07 11:00 UTC
End: 2024-06-07 21:00 UTC

During the above window, our data center team will be performing maintenance on redundant upstream electrical systems in our SFO2 region.

Expected impact:

We don’t expect to see any impact to customer resources as the electrical systems are redundant and our team will isolate one unit at a time during the maintenance. In the highly unlikely event that we lose power to both systems simultaneously, affected Droplets and Droplet-based services would experience downtime for a brief period of time. We will endeavor to keep this to a minimum should that situation arise.

If you have any questions or concerns related to this maintenance, please send us a ticket from your cloud support page
Posted Jun 07, 2024 - 02:44 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Kubernetes (SFO2), Managed Databases (SFO2), Droplets (SFO2), and Load Balancers (SFO2).